KC Supply Co. Inc. • 800-527-8775 • http://www.kcsupply.com
In June, KC Supply Co. introduced the Double Down™ hardhat flashlight hold-down clips.
A permanent adhesive holds the clips so flashlight bands are held securely, yet flashlight can be removed safely and easily.
According to Owner Jeff Lavery, “the flashlight band often slides up the sides of the hardhat, so people sometimes use zip ties to hold the flashlight. But the ties need to be cut off in order to remove the flashlight, and this can result in a cut band or worse, cut fingers.”
Easy Installation
“The easy-to-install clips feature a special adhesive that sets in 12 hours and is cured in 72 hours, so the clip (or the light’s band holder) stays on the hardhat,” says Lavery. “This means no more drilling holes for screws that compromise the hardhat’s structural integrity and voids the warranty. This allows the user to stop using zip ties and box cutters to remove them. This permanent adhesive is safe and effective.”