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Product Review
80,000 bph Gravity Flow Screener Handles Increased Loadout Speeds

Screener distributes grain evenly for better screening results

This article is taken from January/February 2020 GRAIN JOURNAL

Innovative Ag Products began manufacturing gravity flow screeners in 1988. In January 2020, the company introduced the 80,000-bph gravity flow screener to compliment its existing line of gravity screeners that are available in capacities from 5,000 to 50,000 bph.

According to Co-owner and Sales Manager Scott Mitlyng, “the 80,000-bph gravity flow screener, the largest on the market, was designed to handle today’s increased loadout speeds and specifically rail loadout. Our gravity flow screeners address fines and foreign material problems, and our screens are sized to clean corn, soybeans, and wheat. We can customize bypasses to screen part, all, or none of the grain, depending on the customer’s need.”

Better Screening Results

“We’ve created flow conditioning inlets that spread grain evenly over the screens for better screening results, so our customers can make the grade for clean grain prior to shipping and storage,” explains Mitlyng. “Our gravity flow screeners are available in six sizes and frame types, and we offer custom paint and custom service platforms.”

Product Features

  • Custom bypass spouting provides versatility.
  • Quick-change screens improve efficiency.
  • Flow conditioning inlets improve screening results.
  • Custom-lined inlets and outlets reduce wear.