Pneumatic Systems

Interconnected components using compressed air to do work for automated equipment in the grain and feed industry. When correctly selected, assembled and installed, pneumatic systems, including actuators, cylinders, valves, hose, flow control, and tubes, will have a long, efficient life with limited maintenance required for a variety of tasks. Request more information from the companies listed here and make the best selection for your operation.


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Buhler Inc.

Pneumatic Conveying of Mill Stocks

  • Simple and convenient arrangement, easy assembly.
  • Minimum maintenance thus reducing costs.
  • Excellent degree of separation.
  • High level of sanitation.
  • Superior reliability, performance.

Minneapolis, MN • 763-847-9900

Christianson Systems, Inc.

Blomkest, MN • 800-328-8896

Puritan Magnetics, Inc.

Oxford, MI • 248-628-3808

Rolfes at Boone

Boone, IA • 800-265-2010

S.W. Vac Inc.

Willmar, MN • 800-366-8665

Walinga USA Inc.

Wayland, MI • 800-466-1197

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