Pellet Mills

Pellet mills listed here produce high-quality feed pellets through accurately balanced formulation and conditioning of the mash that flows to the pellet mill die chamber, where it is pressed and cut to proper length. Companies on our site have the dies, rolls, roller shells, controlling systems, and parts and services to meet you pellet mill needs. Check out each company and be sure to request more information to make the best choice for your feed facility.


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Buhler Inc.

Kubex™ T Pellet Mill

  • Direct drive system uses up to 20% less energy compared to conventional drive systems.
  • Belt and gearless drive system.
  • Variable die speed allows for formulation specific optimization of pelleting process.
  • Processes even hard-to-pellet raw materials with high fat or fiber content.

Minneapolis, MN • 763-847-9900

Bliss Industries/CPM Bliss

Ponca City, OK • 800-569-7787



CSE Bliss Manufacturing, LLC

Ponca City, OK • 580-324-3892

FWS Group of Companies

Winnipeg, MB • 204-487-2500


Sioux Center, IA • 712-722-1662

Repete Corporation

Sussex, WI • 262-246-4541

Seedburo Equipment Co.

Des Plaines, IL • 800-284-5779

Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc.

Sterling, IL • 800-257-7214

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