Micro-Ingredient Systems

Micro-ingredient systems accurately and precisely control ingredient batch weighing, which is critical to the batch integrity for the grain and feed industry. Ensure inventory control and accountability with micro-ingredient system equipment that efficiently transfers to processing equipment. Check out what the companies listed below offer and fill out the form for more information.


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Easy Automation Inc.

Micro Ingredient System

  • An economical system for precisely dispensing and weighing low inclusion rate ingredients.
  • Rugged low maintenance design.
  • Easily configured to fit your space.
  • Unlimited ingredients.
  • Available in poly or stainless steel designs.

Rotary Dump Micro Ingredient System

  • Complete rotary dump micro ingredient system with optional pallet platform and stairs.

Welcome , MN • 507-728-8214

Easy Automation Inc.

Minor Tote Scale Weigh Hopper

  • Minor Weigh Hopper design speeds up a system by adding additional scales to weigh bulk bag or other ingredients. This allows for precise weighing of ingredients that are too big for a micro system but too small for a minor ingredient.
  • Load cell weighing – S-shaped load cells for precise weight measurements.
  • Available with air gates or electric gates to control conveyor flow to prevent force feeding and can be opened independently.
  • Limit switches indicate gate position to get the next batch weighed up.
  • Optional flush hopper – Flush out ingredients from drag conveyor for next batch weigh up.

Welcome , MN • 507-728-8214

Easy Automation Inc.

Modular Feed Processor

  • The mixer’s unique design provides transverse mixing action. Blending occurs rapidly, clumps are broken up, and a shorter mix time is needed to achieve accepted coefficient of variation. The Trans-Mix also performs well with liquid ingredients.
  • If you include a micro-ingredient section, it has its own separate scale system for greater accuracy.
  • Because it is a modular system, the MFP has the added advantage of being easily expandable. As your needs change, you have the option of adding to your system – instead of replacing it.
  • The simple, rugged design of the center-fed hammermill allows even wear on the hammers and screen used to grind ingredients for processing.

Welcome , MN • 507-728-8214

Beta Raven


Buhler Inc.

Minneapolis, MN • 763-847-9900

Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc.

Sterling, IL • 800-257-7214

Sudenga Industries, Inc.

George, IA • 888-783-3642

Tom-Cin Metals, Inc.

Hortonville, WI • 800-343-3404

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