Infestation Destroyer

Treat and prevent infestation - eggs, larva or insects - in milled grains and flour with a pneumatic- or gravity-type infestation destroyer. Install at the outlet of the milling products or before the bagging or bulk loading to protect the quality of the product and your investment. Request more information from the companies listed here and find the best equipment for your mill.


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Buhler Inc.

Impact Machine Matador MJZH

  • Mortality rate ≥ 99.7% (confirmed by biological institute).
  • Energy savings compared with the previous model: up to 30% in some cases.
  • Throughput capacity up to 45 t/h (99,000 lb/hr).
  • Inline pressure conveying up to 1bar (14.5 psi).
  • Simple and flexible system integration.
  • Resistant seal with monitoring of purging air.
  • Temperature and vibration monitoring.

Minneapolis, MN • 763-847-9900

Buhler Inc.

Buhler Roll Service

• Best refurbishing and corrugation service.

• Increased capacity with 7 service centers.

• Expertise and access to parts and service.

• For all makes and models of roller mills.

Stockton, CA • 209-983-8400

DT Grain Processing Systems Inc.

Spomax RZ with Custom Rotors for Detacher, Infestation Destroyers

  • Spomax detachers with single rotor, increase finished flour up to 30% from “break dust”, with no change in ash.
  • Spomax, aggressive, ‘twin’ rotors, as illustrated increase yield.
  • Spomax infestation rotors for flour and grain.

St Catharines, ON • 416-930-6300

Central States Fumigation & Services

Salina, KS • 800-527-8215

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