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ASABE Presents Dr. Dirk Maier With 2020 Sukup Global Food Security Award

Oct. 13, 2020 - The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) presented the 2020 Sukup Global Food Security award during their virtual meeting this year, July 13-15, to Dr. Dirk Maier, a professor in the Iowa State University Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.

The award recognizes distinguished contributions to global food security through research, outreach and teaching.

Dr. Maier is the Founding Director of the Consortium for Innovation in Post-Harvest Loss and Food Waste Reduction.

He has visiting faculty appointments at three universities in Africa.

He is faculty advisor and mentor to the Iowa State Engineers Without Borders student chapter, which is building a new clinic in Northern Ghana.

Maier is responsible for leading an internationally-recognized research and outreach program in post-harvest engineering and technology applied to grain and feed operations and processing.

He also leads international outreach of the Iowa Grain Quality Initiative, which focuses on enhancing the market preference, consumption and utilization of Iowa and U.S. corn, soybeans and their value-added products for the global grain and feed industry.

His current research involves value-added processing of crops and products.

The Sukup Global Food Security Award was endowed by Sukup Manufacturing Co. and consists of an engraved crystal trophy featuring a globe, and a $1,000 cash prize.

The inaugural award was presented in 2016. Kenneth Hellevang, P.E., an extension agricultural engineer, professor and interim department chair of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at North Dakota State University in Fargo, received the 2019 award at the ASABE Annual International Meeting in Boston in July 2019.

“Providing food around the world is critical to both increasing prosperity and also alleviating hunger and suffering among our most vulnerable global citizens” said Charles Sukup, Chairman of Sukup Manufacturing Co.

“Food loss and waste are fundamental enemies of food security, and Dr. Maier’s leadership in grain storage around the world has met this challenge head-on.

"We are pleased to recognize his important work with the 2020 Sukup Global Food Security Award.”

For more information, please contact Rachel Geilenfeld at